Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Express Yourself!"

Communicating with Tolerance

I am currently writing two novels at once and to assure quality work I will take a week break from both, during these intermissions I will post articles on sites were I freelance. Because of my standards I am often subject to writer's block. While searching for a topic I remembered a response sent to me for an article I posted on (04-17-08) entitled, "The Truth About The Black Panther Party." This was an article created while suffering from writer's block, it has become my most read article and the first to be syndicated. It has also received the most reviews which are extremely mixed and being a firm believer in the right to opinion, I post the negative reviews with the positive. On (11-28-09) that reader felt compelled to submit this critic:

"I find this whole ordeal of black persecution extremely hilarious.
P.S. White Power"

I guess this comment was sent hoping to elicit a negative response or to possibly anger me and my readers. For me it has done neither because I am honored to have anyone read my material and if I didn't have a block I wouldn't even be writing about it. Matter of fact on the day I read the statement I was having a bad day, but after reader that foolishness I found myself laughing out loud and with my shirt, frantically cleaning orange juice off of my monitor.

Rhetorically speaking--how does an individual co-exist in a socially evolving world with this kind of backwards thinking? I find it saddening for an individual to live in a world, that has so much happiness to offer, filled with so much animosity. I not saying that anyone that does not agree with me is wrong. I just believe that people can disagree without being disagreeable. And with each day this hate mongering fraternity, whose membership include those of every race and culture, are becoming extinct.

This dying breed born from a turbulent past, has so many names that it is difficult to know them all. If they are black, they referred to as "reverse racist"( which is a oxymoron) because a reverse racist is a person that is not a racist. Then you have "anti-Semites", or "homophobes", "racial separatist", "bigots", and on and on. I have grouped them with the name I have created-- I call them "Homo-Ignorus".

This mindset has run the course of the prehistoric man-- their number for selective extermination has been called. And when they are but a memory in history books or the internet-- this planet will have taken another giant leap for mankind.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

"We Are Legion!"

"We Do Not Forgive.We Do Not Forget!"

A highly intelligent group of concerned "Cyber geeks" have decided to punish the seemingly untouchable. For years they've focused their wrath upon the Goliath known as "The Church of Scientology". This lightning assault is a strategic upsetting of the apple cart using the internet as their weapon of choice. These calculated protests are enacted by a group called, "Anonymous" .The members are a society of high level computer hackers whose identity is known by no one...not even its members. With absolute anonymity, each member is solely responsible for their actions, and can not be held accountable for the ones of another. So if one is caught it is impossible to implicate the rest. Their discovery and capture will only create a martyr, equaling the removal one head that will be replaced by two--for the actions of each are supported by the whole. This is the fuel responsible for a worldwide expansion. Even at public rallies every member adorns a mask and encouraged to use public transportation in order to conceal their names.

The initial attacks upon the church were not taken seriously, jokingly called, "the acts of a loser who probably lives in their parents basements!". This arrogance was soured when the volley of punishment was unleashed by these "losers". Scientology has had their internet advertisements immediately defaced or rendered useless, received a real-time barrage of blank faxes, computers swamped with spam and their phone lines with computer generated calls--this joke has become no laughing matter. That's when Anonymous "came out", announcing their intentions to the world. Using untraceable videos they struck a chord that rang with the sound of justice. Being an intimidating powerhouse, The Church of Scientology has not experienced or was prepared for this onslaught even though their policies and practices have existed under scrutiny for decades.

This cult was founded by failed science fiction writer, L.Ron Hubbard, who authored "Dianetics", which he claimed to be a groundbreaking self-help book. It was released in May 1950 to very harsh and mixed reviews. It was criticized for unscientific aspects. Veteran author Jack Williamson described Dianetics as, "a lunatic revision of 'Freudian psychology' that had the look of a wonderfully rewarding scam."

With all of his flaws and unscrupulous behavior, Hubbard managed to erect the institution we now know. This church has been indicted and punished for crimes against its own,and is still allowed more yearly tax exemptions than any other. But there are a few that plan to hold them accountable-- and they are Anonymous!

Sources: Anonymous, The Church of Scientology, L.Ron Hubbard, writings of Jack Williamson, Youtube, The U.S.A. Internal Revenue Service, court documents for Lisa McPherson vs. The Church of Scientology.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Steele A Fool!"

Where do they grow idiots like Micheal Steele? There has to be a farm that produces men like him because it takes cultivation to produce an individual of his social ignorance! Almost every time this man addresses the public with his outrageous political ideologies, I find myself rubbing a wrenched forehead to the tune of a racing heart, while in a state of absolute awe, thinking…WTF! It is obvious that he is nothing more than the GOP’s black face– because of a black president. If you were to look up the word ‘token‘ in a dictionary his photo would be there…smiling.Like Gov. Palin, the GOP assumed the world would be gullible enough to believe these individuals were qualified for their appointments, but they were only able to convince two with this mockery–Palin and Steele.

Mr. Steele has proven to be, the spawn of an American ‘House Negro‘, garnishing a leash slightly longer than the other misinformed.His behavior resembles a man who would claim, “I am not a puppet,I’m a real boy!”.It is crystal clear that a Republican National Chairman… he is not! ‘Poster Boy ‘would be a more accurate title. Now there are some admirable people of African descent in the Republican party–Gen. Colin Powell, Lynn Swann,Condaleeza Rice and Gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell,to name a few.

This post was not meant to serve as an assault upon anyone’s freedom of expression, or political affiliation, but when a person of sound mind and reasonable intelligence, allows himself to be used as a racial pawn– in a chess game of social stereotypes, I am repulsed! The latest offense came in the form of a blog designed to attract minorities to the Republican Party. The blog was named:”What Up?”…WTF!!!? After overwhelming outrage and ridicule, the RNC changed the name of this offensive blog to ‘Change the Game,’ which only added insult to injury. The ‘Grand Ole Party‘ has become just that…an ‘Old Party‘ whose members posses fleeting moments of grandeur.

Increasingly displaying either an elitist or combative mentality has labeled them as, ‘The Party of No‘ which is truly an understatement. They have proudly become the party of no:sense,sympathy,empathy,class,respect,dignity or clue!

Sources:CNN,MSNBC,Fox Network,Huffington post,RNC Micheal Steele

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Big Top Palin"

Sarah Palin's Clownish And Corrupted Behavior

Ever since Gov. Palin first opened her mouth in the ‘big show’ of American politics she has undoubtedly been the self caricaturing gift, that keeps on giving.The media would find it difficult creating a ‘political play toy’ that equals the exploits of Sarah Palin–she’s a walking punchline. Watching her interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric were so disturbing I actually felt sorry for her. With each question you could almost hear the crickets chirping in the void of her political knowledge. Still shaken from the previous questions, she was unable to answer the simple inquiry, “What magazines do you like to read when you are at home?”, having been coached by political strategists the night before with possible questions and responses was obviously so overwhelming that this innocent exploration of her daily life was so far out in left field that she blew a fuse, causing her brain to revert to default mode only allowing information which came with the system. So she proceeded with a ‘runner-up beauty pageant’ response, similar to the one given in the Charlie Gibson interview when asked for her opinion of the ‘Bush Doctrine’.

If the way she lives and the things she’s said were not serious they would be hysterically funny.Quoting a CNN journalist,”All Sarah Palin needs now is a red rubber nose and a pair of big exploding shoes!”. If it were only this simple–labeling her as a sideshow entertainer in a twisted political circus.What this woman has displayed with the moves she makes and breaths she takes, are becoming less humorous, entering the realm of dangerous! This assessment was given after her latest insinuation, slandering Pres.Obama’s plan for health care reform, claiming it would include euthanasia of the elderly and children that are of special needs, similar to her own that was born with down syndrome. Misinformation and lies only heighten the fear and anger already devouring the rational element owned by an ever growing mob of gullible individuals that are still finding it difficult to accept the reality of a president of African descendant, regardless of his Caucasian parentage.

Watching the rabbit displays of discontent at town hall meetings given by our government’s political representatives, offer a chilling reminder of this country’s shameful past and unstable present. A televised coverage of these epitaphs, inscribed on the tomb of this country’s racial discord are the events instigated by another famous, or infamous, Governor–George Wallace. Gov.Wallace was extremely animate concerning desegregating of the state of Alabama, claiming “Pres.John F. Kennedy wants to surrender this state to Martin Luther King and his group of pro-communists who have instituted these demonstrations!”…sound familiar?

Whenever the ignorance of the socially challenged few, which include ex-Gov. Palin whose quitting nature is now a part of the Urban Dictionary(Pulling a Palin), meet in their hate constructed clubhouse it seems as if the number one agenda for each gathering is– undermining the presidency of a man who has received more popular votes than any other president. Pres. Obama is loved all over the world, his nomination and confirmation as leader of the U.S.A was watched and celebrated in the homes, restaurants, bars, streets, churches and other places for gathering in every major country except two–Russia and N.Korea.

If people like Ms.Palin, Lou Dobbs, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and the many other possessors of political and economic power continue their twisted pursuit of dissemination, they may trigger an explosion which will be unimaginable and uncontrollable. This form of social terrorism will be more damaging and pleasurable to the Al Qeada than any attack of theirs, because it will have been self-induced and to them considered, well deserved social implosion.

If we do not gather as a nation and deter this pond scum, from our disturbing past, they will drag us down with them. These social separatist are programed to knock us three steps back, for every two we take in the opposite direction.

Sources:MSNBC,CNN,Wiki-pedia(George Wallace),Urban Dictionary,Countdown with Keith Olbermann,face book of Sarah Palin, worldwide polls,youtube,Nail O’Loughlin

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crazy Like A Foxx!

During a debate on the floor of the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx made a statement so appalling it has caused an outcry worldwide! She gave the U.S.A just more proof that the republican party has little on the menu concerning affairs for social or economic reform. She debased the memory of an innocent victim killed in a hate crime.

Mathew Shepard was a 22yr. young man singled out and murdered by two men for his sexuality. He was lured from a bar by one and pistol whipped, stabbed, beat, burned and attached to a barbed wire fence were he was left to die. He remained there in agonizing pain for 18 hours before being discovered by a biker.Mathew died five days later in the intensive care of Poudre Valley Hospital.

The assailants,Henderson and Mckinney, were not charged for hate crimes--at this time the legislation did not exist. Mathew Shepard’s parents,Judy and Dennis, fought tirelessly for a bill which would acknowledged these assaults as a hate crime.

On March 20th,2007 The Mathew Sheppard act was introduced to the U.S Congress by Dem.John Conyers and passed in The House of Representatives on May 3rd,that same year. Other legislation similar to this one passed on September 7th,2007-- which President Bush claimed he would veto if it reached his desk.

Yesterday on the House floor Rep. Virginia Foxx debated the expansion of the hate crimes legislation by saying:

"I also would like to point out that there was a bill -- the hate crimes bill that's called the Matthew Shepard bill is named after a very unfortunate incident that happened where a young man was killed, but we know that that young man was killed in the commitment of a robbery. It wasn't because he was gay. This -- the bill was named for him, hate crimes bill was named for him, but it's really a hoax that continues to be used as an excuse for passing these bills,"

Well...the torches are lit and the villagers are angry!These remarks have offended people worldwide!Americans immediately began protests demanding this woman’s apology or resignation! The congresswoman’s office was flooded with e-mails and phone calls from people expressing their anger. So in a statement which increased the insult to injury, instead of a full apology she remarked,

"The term 'hoax' was a poor choice of words used in the discussion of the hate-crimes bill,Mr. Shepard's death was nothing less than a tragedy, and those responsible for his death certainly deserved the punishment they received."

It was more than a “poor” choice of words, it was a horrific choice!

A hate crime is more than an assault against homosexuality it is profiling meant to suppress and terrorize race,sexuality,religion, or social group. And today being my birthday all I ask is for a sincere apology or resignation from Congresswoman Virginia Foxx!

Sources:MSNBC,Associated Press,Wikipedia-Matthew Shepard,Matthew Shepard Foundation

Monday, April 27, 2009

Jamaican Justice...

Jamaica...the land that is known for its beautiful beaches, laid back mentality,and advertises a wonderful love of life has forgotten to mention that it is one of the most homophobic places in the world! Under Jamaican law homosexuality is punishable by ten years of hard labor. While an adult male sexually assaulting a teenage girl only warrants seven. There’s something very wrong with this picture! Why should the lifestyles of two consenting individuals and what they do in the privacy of their own homes concern another? Living in Jamaica as a GLBT (Gay,Lesbian,Bi-Sexual,or Transgendered)has been compared to living in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban! There are vigilante groups combing the streets with automatic weapons killing without remorse, having no solid proof of their victims sexuality--exacting a “Sexual Salem Witch Hunt”!

In the U.S. the GLBT of San Francisco has launched a boycott of Jamaican tourism and products. This protest starting in San Francisco have worked there way to New York City. This grassroots protests though well intentioned, were not sanctioned by J-FLAG (Jamaican Forum for All Sexual and Gays) are considered to be causing more harm than good. These protests are thought to single out certain corporations such as Red Stripe Beer. This company in 2008 took a bold step by denouncing homophobic behavior and pulled sponsorship from those who violated the rights of GLBT.

It has been stated by a J-FLAG representative, “We believe that any overseas entity or organization seeking to agitate for change in a context with which it has only passing familiarity should first do its homework to ensure that it does not do harm ... to the cause of the local community whose interest it seeks to defend,” But it is believed by many from other countries, that if economy pressure is not enforced, this unjust and inhuman behavior will continue. The GLBT are not asking much from the Jamaican government. Their only demands are:

1.For Jamaican officials to publicly commit to the ending of gay bashing on the island and improving the human rights situation.

2.A statement from the Prime Minister clearly and unequivocally condemning violence against GLBT people and expressing regret for past violence.

As a heterosexual male I am just an outsider looking in. I can empathize with both sides of the GLBT movements. The non-Jamaicans see a horrible injustice that they wish to end. Were the Jamaican citizen believe these well intentioned acts are just adding fuel to the fire. I believe that homophobia is a horrible sickness if not treated will spread like any other disease. In my opinion wide scale boycotts are not always the answer because they also harm the innocent. Knowledge is the best weapon. I have known and love many Gays,Lesbians,and Bi-Sexual--now after learning of the horror being inflicted upon these people in Jamaica, until there is a change I will never set foot, or endorse this place in any way!

Sources:San Francisco Bay Times,New America Media,Jason McFarlane,J-FLAG,Camille Atkinson of Associated Content,Red Stripe Beer