From the fan to the famous Lebron James’ decision to go with the Miami Heat has sparked an outcry that has bordered the lines of ridiculous! The actions of many resemble those belonging to an owner of slaves! This “slave /master” mentally is disgusting considering the circumstances, what everyone is forgetting—this begins with the playing of a game. Men and women being paid to play a child’s game. This is not to end world hunger, or lower unemployment, bring world peace, no— this will provide entertainment for those whose fantasies surround these athletes and their abilities.
What makes this story a travesty is the behavior of players—active and retired, the recent “Magic Johnson” one who should be the last to judge the actions of a fellow player or anyone, but that is another story, Mr. Michael “Air” Jordan, Charles Barkley and others all forget the caliber this young man has portrayed, pursued for his ability since age 14 and has managed to remain unscathed by the lifestyle and riches thrust upon him at such an early age. How many can say this, I’m asking… Mr. Johnson!
Lebron James is a man making a choice provided him by free agency and God given right, you know, “free will”. Lebron James has played for years with the Cleveland Cavilers they want to believe they gave him his start, which is ludicrous, because every other team in this league and many overseas, would have gladly done the same. The time spent in Cleveland was like a man beating his head against a wall and anyone that would say they would have done any different than Mr. James (leaving Cleveland) is either a liar or fool. If Lebron James had not given his all I might have a little empathy for the fans. But the actions of most--with their "me mentality is appalling", shameful at best.
This amazing man and athlete is an active provider to charities, giving millions of dollars to the needy, and a role model to even more, this should be most important!The behavior of certain individuals stink at many levels. If you thought his hour long advertising of his decision was ridiculous and too long, you shouldn't’t have watched it, I didn't. If you no longer care for Mr. James because of his choice, don’t cheer for him. This is all about choices, now it’s your turn to choose.