Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Glorified Gluttony."
It seems like whenever I witness a wonderful example of human expression, shortly after, I encounter an act reminding me of how disgustingly thoughtless we can be.
While watching the evening news, one of its stories was the coverage of a hot dog eating contest. Why this was considered a pivoting human interest story escapes me. These events have always disgusted me. How can an individual honestly consider gluttonous indulgence a sport? Or participate in some hole in the wall restaurant's offer of a free meal, and an out of focus Polaroid picture of themselves placed on a wall of shame, for devouring a dangerously excessive amount of food. This shameful lack of self-control is not an act that should be rewarded or proud of, especially with there being so many lacking proper nourishment.
And what really agitates me is knowing that these events are corporate sponsored for little or no financial responsibility to its participants. These companies do this for free advertisement to the cheering spectators - which truthfully remind me of history's blood crazed fans cheering the roman gladiator. There are times in which I question who is worse - the mindless spectator, the instigating corporate sponsor, or the gluttonous participant.
What's so twisted is there are actually guidelines for this despicable behavior:
Consult your physician before the contest and get their advice. Make sure that you aren't on medication that shouldn't be taken with food. Check with contest officials or request that EMTs and an ambulance be present in the event of choking or allergic reactions.
Eat before the contest. Starving oneself is unhealthy for the body, so eat light meals up until the contest.
Try to exercise regularly before the contest
Prior to the contest, consume as few liquids (water, soda, alcoholic beverages, etc.) as possible. This will only fill the stomach, creating less room for food.
A relatively astute individual would realize that an activity that might require a doctor or an ambulance might be uhmmmm - DANGEROUS! Just an opinion - a persons need for nourishment should not be considered immediately hazardous.
To win an eating contest you need to stretch your stomach to fit more food in it more easily. The best way to stretch your stomach is to eat lettuce. It is mostly water and takes more calories to digest than it carries, so all it really does is stretch the stomach. In time, it's possible to eat three to four heads of lettuce in one sitting.
Also, boiled cabbage is equally good. Many professionals often go on a three or four day diet of nothing but cabbage as the gases in cabbage expand the stomach.
There is also a little-known technique to make more room in the stomach. After eating, when you begin to feel slightly full, stand up and wiggle your hips from side to side for 5-10 seconds. This makes the food go down your esophagus faster and squashes it up in your stomach.
There is a saying, "one should eat to live, not live to eat." Because we have seemed to have forgotten this, society's health has declined. This reckless eating behavior has contributed to a 64% rise in obesity, statistically attributing to diabetes by 48% , with a 58% rise in hepatitis b.
When are we going to realize that the - all you can eat buffets, and the super sized meals, along with the 30 minutes or it's free deliveries, is playing a part in the deaths of 400,000 individuals each year. Maybe it's time we open our eyes more - instead of our mouths.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
To Be Romantically In Love: this man's opinion.
Romantic love is often considered to exist when two people accept the concept of being more than just friends, consensually sharing themselves passionately - mind and body. This is a goal many have acquired and most desire. Everyone being unique there is no one true formula for obtaining this gift, but this is just this man’s opinion.
True love is not something that can be taken, it has to be given freely. When not done truly or freely it is but an imitation of what could be, contrary to the metaphoric saying, “to steal someone’s heart away”. What is sad is some spend their entire lives never achieving this goal, later believing their pursuit to have been a waste of time. In this, I totally dis-agree. Reminding me of the saying by Alfred Lord Tennyson, ” ’tis better to have loved and lost - then to never have loved at all.” Strangely some find this to be questionable.
Many have and will confuse romance with lust. Lust being the inbred sexual desire assuring procreation - a trait every animal posses. Where romance is the endearing thought and action displayed in a controlled manor producing a pleasurable response. The ability to differentiate romance from mere lust is what makes this form of love special to many, and considered by cynics as a naive concept. Declaring the idea of romance without lust - an impossibility. Professing that visual and mental attraction, with the help of pheromones as the only key to this equation of mutual desire.
Romance is an entity which bares many faces. It can be ones best friend and another’s worst enemy. Ahab’s white whale or someone’s pot of gold at the end of their rainbow. What history has proven, most will try to acquire it, and many have died for or because of it.
There’s one thing I have found to be true, seeking romance can be as wonderful as obtaining it. Then again - that’s just one man’s opinion.
Friday, June 6, 2008
"I'm Taking Off The Gloves!"
There has been many thoughts I have wished to express but I have managed to contain myself, naively hoping all would see what the political race is and what it will become.
The Clinton and McCain camps, with the help of the media, have shamefully prostituted itself in ways that will become legendary! Sen. Clinton's behavior has always stunk from its clouded sense of omnipotence. It was this foolishly arrogant way of thinking that led to her spiraling downfall and may have permanently scarred her political career. This divisive self-implosion was not only unnecessary but unbecoming in every way. And her husband only added an exclamation to this audacious display of questionable behavior. Their daughter (Chelsea) has my deepest sympathy because she was genetically drafted into this sideshow. Never wavering always proving to be the class in that families act.
What truly amazes me are the legions of loyal followers that refuse to see this woman for what she is and capable of in desperation. This overly dogmatic pursuit for nomination has caused her to say and do things that would have kept Obama being elected to any office. These are just a few of the many atrocities committed by Mrs. Clinton:
When she claimed to have mis-spoken after questioning the relative importance of Dr. Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement.-(forgiven)
She makes the statement that the primaries of Michigan would not count (while 20pts. ahead) later going on a holy war for the acquiring of its delegates.-(forgiven).
Describes the upholding of the Florida ruling to slavery and the denying women the right to vote-(forgiven).
She makes a ludicrous claim to have had been subjected to the firing of bullets while visiting Bosnia, with her daughter being a part of her entourage. Later claiming to have mis-spoken, not lied, mis- spoken-(forgiven)
Later approving and participating in the now famous, "3 a.m. in the morning commercial", which later seemed to have questionable undertones.- (forgiven)
Her lax behavior towards the actions of supporter Geraldine Ferraro who stated," Obama would not still be in this race if he were a white man". -(forgiven)
Stating that some primary states should count and others should not.- (forgiven)
Then there's the photos of Osama Bin Laden in an anti-Obama add. -(forgiven)
Then there's the hard working white American comment.- (forgiven)
The exploiting of rev. Jeremiah Wright to the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Tribune.- (forgiven)
Pres. Clinton's comparing rev.Jesse Jackson's campaign to Sen. Obama's.- (forgiven)
Constantly claiming multiple calls for her to resign from the race, in order to anger her supporters, knowing this was not true.- (forgiven)
Traitorously using McCain's age and experience as a tool to undermine Obama, not considering what this might do to the Democratic party - especially if she is not nominated.- (not forgiven)
Four time using the tragedy of Sen. Robert Kennedy's assassination as a justification for her continuance to run. First using the word assassination in print(Time magazine), second and third time just reminding us of the tragedy-obviously after being told by an adviser that this was a callous and un-wise course. Finally - actually using the word assassination during a videotaped interview. When faced with public cry of outrage, only expressed a quasi apologetic explanation to the Kennedys and American, never apologizing or verbally expressing remorse to Sen Obama or McCain - who just might see this as a tactlessly expressed reason to remain in the public eye-with a never say quit attitude. - (never should be forgotten or forgiven)
This last statement should be the last of the many self-place nails in her political coffin. Clinton and her supporters since the beginning of this race have dogmatically justified her nomination and winning of the presidency by playing the "gender card", always reminding what a positive influence to young women she would be. If I had daughters I would never use this woman as a character reference to what they could achieve. I would remove my tongue before promoting that cut throat-knee capping individual- Mrs. Clinton has displayed herself to be.
On June 3rd as I watched this woman give her disgraceful speech of denial, which should have undoubtedly proven to all her questionable character, I could not help but look into the eyes of her supporters, it sadly reminds me of how gullible people can be. But this was not the only thing that disturbed me. While staring into this crowd knowing that there is absolutely no way all of these people could have been fooled, it became clear that their pride was fueling this inability to admit they had chosen poorly - and that they would stand by this woman no matter what. This raises another issue.
Pres. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was also a first term junior senator who was labeled as "too young and inexperience"- to handle the responsibility of Commander and Chief. He turned out to be an exceptional president-many even compare Sen Obama to him- both being young and handsome-with diplomatically idealistic policies that could re-arranged political and social ways of thought.
The policies of these two are so refreshingly similar that Obama has been vigorously endorsed by JFK's niece, the wife of Rep. Governor Arnold Shwartzeneggar- Maria Shriver. JFK's daughter-Caroline Kennedy and his brother Sen. Ted Kennedy. JFK's former speech writer and counsel-Ted Sorenson is an avid Obama supporter - has stated, "it's not so much the experience-but the quality that makes Sen. Obama the better choice for presidency."
With these endorsements and many more which include Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, George Clooney and many. Also boasting an above average education from Harvard and Princeton graduating at the top of his class, years of volunteer civil service to the poor of Chicago's south side, and dedicated family man -one would think this man has a resume that demonstrates an above average qualification for the position he seeks. It so disturbs me to see these same people that were fans and supporters of J.F.K-voluntarily pawn themselves to the Clinton's hype and hysterics. Or the media and political annalist that are aware of these similar groundbreaking qualities that Obama share with J.F.K.- yet turn a blind eye to them. Or the masses of upper income - or politically based African/Americans whose only excuse for the support of Clinton is having a positive role model for their daughters that would allow them an oppertunity to realize their presidential potential. What about having a positive young bi-racial man of African and Caucasian heritage? I would consider that a pretty good role model. If J.F.K were running against Sen Clinton this daughter analogy would have ceased to exist - and this nomination race would have been over months ago.
As a man of African/Native Amer. birth - it disgusts me and dishonors my heritage whenever someone says, "Pres. Clinton was the first Black president". Which in itself is ludicrous. Just because he did a few things that other Presidents should have - speaks with a charming southern drawl and plays a saxophone.
I know this article will possibly have negative repercussions questioning my social correctness. But make sure I receive 100% of the credit for this piece - do not try to attach this to Obama in any way. Because the whole ,"guilt by association tactic" has proven to be an overplayed failure and a shameful contradiction to what we as a country profess to value - freedom of speech and thought. Causing this man to man to change his 20 yr. church affiliation because of the actions of another. This will remain as a shameful example, placed upon this nation's hypocritical mantel of shame for years to come. The irony of this wrongful persecution is that many of these angry torch baring individuals wouldn't know what being a 20yr. active member of church is like.
It is extremely unjust to even imply lack of judgment or question ones character because of the sins of another. If we all abandoned others for behavior another may deem as unfavorable- we would have no associates or friends-because we all have a politically incorrect friend, that occasionally says or does something that is questionable at best. Being imperfect individuals we are responsible for our own actions and through unity- not abandonment- we might acquire social enlightenment.
In order to achieve this goal it will require change. It takes a positively idealistic individual to usher in this achievement. Sen. Barrack Obama possesses these qualities. We can't just want change - we also have to believe in it.
The Clinton and McCain camps, with the help of the media, have shamefully prostituted itself in ways that will become legendary! Sen. Clinton's behavior has always stunk from its clouded sense of omnipotence. It was this foolishly arrogant way of thinking that led to her spiraling downfall and may have permanently scarred her political career. This divisive self-implosion was not only unnecessary but unbecoming in every way. And her husband only added an exclamation to this audacious display of questionable behavior. Their daughter (Chelsea) has my deepest sympathy because she was genetically drafted into this sideshow. Never wavering always proving to be the class in that families act.
What truly amazes me are the legions of loyal followers that refuse to see this woman for what she is and capable of in desperation. This overly dogmatic pursuit for nomination has caused her to say and do things that would have kept Obama being elected to any office. These are just a few of the many atrocities committed by Mrs. Clinton:
When she claimed to have mis-spoken after questioning the relative importance of Dr. Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement.-(forgiven)
She makes the statement that the primaries of Michigan would not count (while 20pts. ahead) later going on a holy war for the acquiring of its delegates.-(forgiven).
Describes the upholding of the Florida ruling to slavery and the denying women the right to vote-(forgiven).
She makes a ludicrous claim to have had been subjected to the firing of bullets while visiting Bosnia, with her daughter being a part of her entourage. Later claiming to have mis-spoken, not lied, mis- spoken-(forgiven)
Later approving and participating in the now famous, "3 a.m. in the morning commercial", which later seemed to have questionable undertones.- (forgiven)
Her lax behavior towards the actions of supporter Geraldine Ferraro who stated," Obama would not still be in this race if he were a white man". -(forgiven)
Stating that some primary states should count and others should not.- (forgiven)
Then there's the photos of Osama Bin Laden in an anti-Obama add. -(forgiven)
Then there's the hard working white American comment.- (forgiven)
The exploiting of rev. Jeremiah Wright to the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Tribune.- (forgiven)
Pres. Clinton's comparing rev.Jesse Jackson's campaign to Sen. Obama's.- (forgiven)
Constantly claiming multiple calls for her to resign from the race, in order to anger her supporters, knowing this was not true.- (forgiven)
Traitorously using McCain's age and experience as a tool to undermine Obama, not considering what this might do to the Democratic party - especially if she is not nominated.- (not forgiven)
Four time using the tragedy of Sen. Robert Kennedy's assassination as a justification for her continuance to run. First using the word assassination in print(Time magazine), second and third time just reminding us of the tragedy-obviously after being told by an adviser that this was a callous and un-wise course. Finally - actually using the word assassination during a videotaped interview. When faced with public cry of outrage, only expressed a quasi apologetic explanation to the Kennedys and American, never apologizing or verbally expressing remorse to Sen Obama or McCain - who just might see this as a tactlessly expressed reason to remain in the public eye-with a never say quit attitude. - (never should be forgotten or forgiven)
This last statement should be the last of the many self-place nails in her political coffin. Clinton and her supporters since the beginning of this race have dogmatically justified her nomination and winning of the presidency by playing the "gender card", always reminding what a positive influence to young women she would be. If I had daughters I would never use this woman as a character reference to what they could achieve. I would remove my tongue before promoting that cut throat-knee capping individual- Mrs. Clinton has displayed herself to be.
On June 3rd as I watched this woman give her disgraceful speech of denial, which should have undoubtedly proven to all her questionable character, I could not help but look into the eyes of her supporters, it sadly reminds me of how gullible people can be. But this was not the only thing that disturbed me. While staring into this crowd knowing that there is absolutely no way all of these people could have been fooled, it became clear that their pride was fueling this inability to admit they had chosen poorly - and that they would stand by this woman no matter what. This raises another issue.
Pres. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was also a first term junior senator who was labeled as "too young and inexperience"- to handle the responsibility of Commander and Chief. He turned out to be an exceptional president-many even compare Sen Obama to him- both being young and handsome-with diplomatically idealistic policies that could re-arranged political and social ways of thought.
The policies of these two are so refreshingly similar that Obama has been vigorously endorsed by JFK's niece, the wife of Rep. Governor Arnold Shwartzeneggar- Maria Shriver. JFK's daughter-Caroline Kennedy and his brother Sen. Ted Kennedy. JFK's former speech writer and counsel-Ted Sorenson is an avid Obama supporter - has stated, "it's not so much the experience-but the quality that makes Sen. Obama the better choice for presidency."
With these endorsements and many more which include Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, George Clooney and many. Also boasting an above average education from Harvard and Princeton graduating at the top of his class, years of volunteer civil service to the poor of Chicago's south side, and dedicated family man -one would think this man has a resume that demonstrates an above average qualification for the position he seeks. It so disturbs me to see these same people that were fans and supporters of J.F.K-voluntarily pawn themselves to the Clinton's hype and hysterics. Or the media and political annalist that are aware of these similar groundbreaking qualities that Obama share with J.F.K.- yet turn a blind eye to them. Or the masses of upper income - or politically based African/Americans whose only excuse for the support of Clinton is having a positive role model for their daughters that would allow them an oppertunity to realize their presidential potential. What about having a positive young bi-racial man of African and Caucasian heritage? I would consider that a pretty good role model. If J.F.K were running against Sen Clinton this daughter analogy would have ceased to exist - and this nomination race would have been over months ago.
As a man of African/Native Amer. birth - it disgusts me and dishonors my heritage whenever someone says, "Pres. Clinton was the first Black president". Which in itself is ludicrous. Just because he did a few things that other Presidents should have - speaks with a charming southern drawl and plays a saxophone.
I know this article will possibly have negative repercussions questioning my social correctness. But make sure I receive 100% of the credit for this piece - do not try to attach this to Obama in any way. Because the whole ,"guilt by association tactic" has proven to be an overplayed failure and a shameful contradiction to what we as a country profess to value - freedom of speech and thought. Causing this man to man to change his 20 yr. church affiliation because of the actions of another. This will remain as a shameful example, placed upon this nation's hypocritical mantel of shame for years to come. The irony of this wrongful persecution is that many of these angry torch baring individuals wouldn't know what being a 20yr. active member of church is like.
It is extremely unjust to even imply lack of judgment or question ones character because of the sins of another. If we all abandoned others for behavior another may deem as unfavorable- we would have no associates or friends-because we all have a politically incorrect friend, that occasionally says or does something that is questionable at best. Being imperfect individuals we are responsible for our own actions and through unity- not abandonment- we might acquire social enlightenment.
In order to achieve this goal it will require change. It takes a positively idealistic individual to usher in this achievement. Sen. Barrack Obama possesses these qualities. We can't just want change - we also have to believe in it.
Monday, June 2, 2008
"The New H-Bomb."
Okay Hillary, enough is enough! To continue participating in this race is truly the act of beating a dead horse! This campaign has turned into everything it should not be! At times it seems that many have forgotten what this is about, which is to elect the next commander and chief, whose interests are what’s best for the country. Sen. Clinton’s persistence as a candidate is admirable, but becoming a festering sore that is dividing the Democratic party and securing Republican victory. A majority of Clinton supporters are accepting defeat with anger. Middle aged women in Sen. Clinton’s campaign are very personally involved believing Sen Obama’s victory will be achieved by sexism. They are so animate in this belief that an overwhelming majority have professed allegiance to Sen. McCain, or not at all if Sen. Clinton does not win. These women seem to be flying on emotional auto-pilot with their eyes wide shut. Political annalist empathize with these feelings because these women consider Sen. Clinton as their first, or possibly their last chance for female representation as president. And the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton are masters of manipulation does not make this loss any easier to swallow. If this does not end soon it may permanently damage the legacy of Bill and the possibilities for Hillary, because these irrational tactics resemble an individual struggling in political quicksand.
The manipulative statements made are many and have been debunked almost immediately, yet her supporters seem to forget this when crying sexism. The latest of these are her claim to ownership of the popular vote. This lead was only acquired due to Obama not even having his name on the Michigan ballot, so he received no votes from that contest. She also forgets to mention that the polls are favorable to Obama in Michigan due to young first time voters, college students, large African-American population, and the fact many didn’t even vote because he was not on the ballot.She later calls foul when Obama was allotted his share of delegates in the DNC decision.
I find it odd that she would even claim the popular votes of Michigan and be so concerned about the delegate tally when she was recorded saying, while participating in a radio talk show interview, that the Michigan primary would not count. This statement was made when Obama 20pts. behind, unknown, and not considered a threat. But when defeat became a possibly she suddenly acquires religion and every vote should count.
Then there’s the “Bullet fire ” incident…I won’t even go into to that! Yes i will. After it was uncovered Bill blamed it on exhaustion and age. She then claims to have been mistaken. Well if it didn’t happen in Bosnia, where did it happen? It wasn’t a mistake…it was a lie, there’s a difference.
Then there’s the Indiana victory. She was so proud of herself she claimed that she was able to raise 10 million dollars in one day. It was more like one, leaving her about 20 million in the hole. Now if she can not be honest about her campaign budget what is going to make her give us the real numbers concerning the progress or lack there of, the national budget when president? I could go on and on with this web of lies and deceit but I won’t. When observing Sen. Clinton’s do anything, Kamikaze state of mind, I question her agenda, “ does she realize what it means to be president?”. Or is she just on some twisted vision quest. She must know that if elected, she will spend four years like an ant, being scorched by the light of a magnifying glass of her own design. I say this because Sen. Clinton and her husband have behaved like snake oil salesmen, making promises that will have to be kept.
In my opinion, the legacy of the first female president should not be one of an individual that wrote a bunch of bad checks that she knew could not be cashed.
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