I have always had a belief in a higher form of existence, much like the countless billions now and before me. It is estimated that over 90% of mankind has now or sometime made a religous leap of faith. Starting from around 100,000 yrs ago at least 80% has spiritually questioned where they came from, where they are going, and how they should be living. Even the ones that consider themselves to be atheist, practice this belief so sincerely that it could easily be considered a religion, or at least a cult.
So far Christianity is the largest group with 1.7 billion members. It is estimated that 50 bibles are sold every minute. Making the bible the most sold book ever. There are 66 books in the bible, 39 are from the old testament. Job is the oldest book written the bible, and believed to be written around 1500 B.C.
Even though we are taught that three wise men arrived for the birth of Christ, nowhere in the Bible does it say there were three wise men. Matthew 2:1 only says: “Magi from the east came to Jerusalem” and later they present three gifts. The names of these men were thought to be Melchoir, Gaspar,and Balthasar.
The King James Old Testament consist of 592,439 words consisting of 2,728,100 letters and the New Testament 181,253 words consisting of 838,380 letter (total 3,566,480 letters). And it is fitting that the last word is…Amen.
Islam is the second largest religion with an estimated 1.3 billion members. It is believed by many to have been founded in 622 A.D. in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It’s sacred text is the Qur’an and was originally penned in Arabic. Its founder is known as the prophet Muhammad. Islam has three sects Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi whose belief is practiced by following the Qur’an, Hadith and Five Pillars of Islam.
Islam believes mankind is born in a state of purity, with imperfection but capable of seeking God and doing good. In afterlife it is thought there is a resurrection of body and soul followed by eternal paradise or hell. The members of this faith worship in what is called a mosque.
Even though its main locations are the middle East and north Africa, Islam has a dominate influence worldwide.
The Baha’i Faith
The Bahá’í Faith is monotheistic, believing in one, all-powerful creator… God. Bahá’ís emphasize that God is ultimately unknowable in his essence, but human knowledge of God can be had through God’s Messengers or Manifestations.
The members of the Bahá’í Faith stress the unity of mankind, and its religions, with a progressive revelation of God to humanity. Bahá’ís believe that the founders of great religions such as Moses, Jesus, the Buddha, and Muhammad were sent by God to reveal God’s attributes and will in the terms that were appropriate for the time.
In 1844, Mirza ‘Ali Mohammad of Shiraz, Iran announced the coming of a new messenger of God who would overturn old beliefs and customs and usher in a new era. Identifying himself as the forerunner of this prophet, adopting the title of “the Báb” (Persian: “Gateway”). The name of the destined messenger is Baha’u'llah, born Mirza Hoseyn ‘Ali Nuri to a prominent Muslim family. As a disciple of the teachings of “the Bab”, Bahá’u'lláh was arrested in 1852 for practicing the beliefs of “the Bab” and jailed in Tehran. During his imprisonment, he realized he was the prophet whose coming had been predicted by “the Bab”.
Since the founding of the Baha’i Faith it has become one the fastest growing religions in history. Today, the Bahá’í Faith has as many as 7 million followers worldwide and is the second most widely distributed religion after Christianity. The Bahá’í accept the teaching of acknowledged ”Manifestations of God” who progressively reveal God to humanity. These prophets include Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab, and Bahá’u'lláh.
These three religions: Christianity, Islam, and The Baha’i Faith are three of the largest and widespread of many practiced religious beliefs. Yet with the advances in science and technology many are beginning to question pure religion with a more scientific explanation. So when ever asked by one of these people with this religious philosophy, which do i believe came first…the chicken or the egg? I honestly say,” I don’t know.” But not knowing does not shake my faith, it is what fuels it!
Just a few more words from,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Question...

You Gotta Be Kidding! Tuesday while speaking on behalf of her mother's campaign, after announcing she was accepting her last question, Evan Strange, who works for the student newspaper at Butler University, asked whether the Lewinsky scandal had damaged her mother's credibility as a candidate. What kind of question is that! How does a person ask someone for their opinion of a parent's marital indiscretions.
Now 28 yrs old, for the past 12yrs Chelsea Clinton has had to cope with an issue that no 16yr old should. It's already difficult being a teen age girl, but to be the daughter of the man who is the leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world, has to be overwhelming. And to have this father betray the trust of you, your mother, and the World is the kind of traumatic experience many will never know at this level.
Even though I am a strong Barack supporter, after hearing that student ask this appallingly tasteless question, I felt a sense of anger probably equal to that of Ms. Clinton. When answering this shamelessly intrusive remark by stating:
"Wow, you're the first person actually that's ever asked me that question in the, I don't know maybe, 70 college campuses I've now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business," I think he got off easy!
In my opinion this is a problem with society and it's media. The absence of tact and lack of concern for anyone but ourselves. We are fastly becoming a civilization that believes we can say or do anything we want without any repercussions. The invasive behavior of the media and its paparazzi, are feeding the flames to a Phoenix which is consuming our moral judgement.
When interviewed, this student's answers were those of a self-centered hypocrite, whose 15 minutes of fame earned him the title " Poster-child for ignorance". He states:
"I can see where she'd get a little defensive because of the question and hearing Lewinsky over and over again, but I would like to hear her say something about Hillary rather than dismissing the question." Saying this as if he had been wronged. After hearing his opinion of Chelsea's response, you would think he was expecting an apology...what gall!
This is my question to him, "if you know this was a touchy issue that she has been questioned about over and over again, why would you ask her to discuss dirty laundry that isn't hers to display?"
As a disguise tactic for his true agenda, he tries to legitimize this tasteless act with the, "Get out of jail free card" that journalist love to use, " it is the people's right to know". Which we all know is code for,"I'm just being nosey". He even stoops to say, "I love Hillary", on CBS's The Early Show. Not being a gambling man, I would bet the feeling is not mutual.
This sort of behavior by the media is disturbing on many levels. People have come to believe wholeheartedly they have such a strong freedom of speech and press, that they have forgotten about another's right to privacy. Being able to say what you want, doesn't mean that you always should. And just because you feel you have the right to know, doesn't always mean you should know.
Just a few more words from,
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mudslinging Madness

This political race has definitely become one for the record books. The democratic party has slowly become the car wreck on an interstate, that no one can take their eyes off of. The key issues that should be addressed are not because of the utter foolishness, carried on by certain nominees, and their subordinates. Then there's the comments made by close associates which is dividing the country with their sexual,religious, and racial overtones. And the way the media feeds upon this ignorance is absolutely shameful on a new level. Even prominent media providers are reporting stories that resemble tabloid press. An example of this, is the analogy of Sen. Clinton's promotional advertisement known as the, "3 a.m. in the morning commercial" An esteemed professor of Harvard University has been reported to have said:
"when I saw the Clinton ads central image...innocent sleeping children and a mother in the middle of the night at risk of mortal danger...it brought to mind scenes from the past. I couldn't help but think of D.W. Griffith's Birth of A Nation." -Prof. Orlando Patterson-
For those that are unaware of this movie, it was released in 1915, and credited as a reviver of the Klu Klux Klan. I've seen this ludicrous movie, and when I first heard the professor's statement, I couldn't help but laugh. But there are many that do not share my sense of humor, finding this commercial disturbing, and agree with Professor Patterson completely. When I first saw this commercial, I thought what many have said, "Why is Hillary Clinton in a Brinks commercial?"But to go as far as to say it resembles,"Birth of A Nation" I can not. I feel as if it is a crude form of scare tactics, that plays upon what we find most dear...the love of our children. And it also has a perception of the feminine need for protection, provided by a strong dominant figure. Because if you notice there are no men in this commercial only Hillary, to save the day, or night as it was portrayed. She might as well been wearing a cape. But I guess her attire was appropriate, because we all know that everyone woman wears a business suit to bed, at 3 a.m. in the morning.
Professor Patterson has been on many shows, and quoted in many papers, voicing this disturbing belief. This form of journalism reminds me of children instigating a fight on an elementary schoolyard.
Then there are the troubling statements made by Geraldine Ferraro, former vice presidential candidate, and now... ex-campaign fundraiser for Sen. Clinton. The statements made by her may have been blown out of proportion, none the less, should never have been said in any context. Then there's the statements just recently revealed, originating from Rev. Wright, friend and mentor of Sen. Obama, that are just appalling. Some being taped from sermons given 8 years ago, are filled with a message of hate and ignorance. These sermons sound more like the rants of a racial supremacist, than a ordained minister.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it extremely convenient for Sen Clinton, that this tape of hateful statements made by Rev. Wright would appear now, on the heels of what Ms. Ferraro said about Sen. Obama. I see this political race for what it is, a political chess match, and we are the pawns. The statements made by these individuals are causing damage to each nominee in the form of, "guilt by association", which may have repercussions lasting well after the nominee and presidential race.
It's time for the "Mudslinging Madness" to end, so that a true assessment of quality and character can begin.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The New Dream Team

I'm usually not the kind of guy to say, "I told you so", but I did. In my article, "Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave...", I mentioned Sen.Hillary Clinton's campaign of deceit.Well she's done it again.She and her husband have been dropping hints of what a, "Dream Team",it would be if she and Obama shared the democratic ticket. In this dream,she would be the president and Obama would be her vice-president. WHAT AUDACITY!
How could she justify this idea having lost both the popular vote and delegate support? It has been said that Sen Clinton sounds like a con-artist, trying to sell a house that she doesn't own. One day she is saying that she doesn't feel as though Sen Obama has the experience to be president.Now she offering a vice-presidency under her experienced tutelage.
If I looked up the word, "self-absorbed", in the dictionary I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a picture of Sen Clinton next to it. With each election she reminds me of an ice skater, skating uphill.This proposal sounds like a punchline to a joke, only no one is laughing with her, because they are all laughing at her.
Just a few more words from,
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave...
Sen.Hillary Clinton since the beginning of this nominee race has been practicing deceitful behavior in her campaigning.This behavior may just cost her the race. Deciet is not a favorable charactor trait when choosing a reliable commander and chief. An example her questionable campiagning is the, " 3 a.m. in the morning commercials" designed as a scare tactic, and tool for questioning Sen. Obama's lack of crisis handling ability.campaigning.This
Sen. Clinton's decision to use this commercial may be the perfect example of shooting oneself in the foot.Because six years ago she denounced the use of scare tactics when done by republicans. And what experience does she have at answering these short of phone calls? Because if she is referring to her stay at the white house,as the first lady, if this had occurred all she would have done was pass Bill the phone.
As a form of ironic justice, the 7yr girl featured in this commercial is now 17. The footage of her sleeping was shot 10 years ago, recently being purchased by Getty Images. Well this sleeping beauty will be turning 18 in April, and is an avid campaigner for Sen. Obama. When interviewed by CNN was reported to have said not only does she plan on voting for Obama, she has offered her support in the making of a commercial that refutes Hillary's.
The latest web in this deceitful campaign is almost comical. It is referred to as the "Bosnian Sniper Fire Incident". This interpretation of the events that occurred while visiting Bosnia resembled a scene from an action/thriller movie. When spinning this yarn, what was she thinking? Maybe she thought cameras and other recording devices had not been invented yet. Or maybe she forgot an African/American man , who would probably be voting for Sen. Obama (the comedian Sinbad) was with her. What made this worse was the slap in the face excuse she gave for telling this lie, "It proves that I am just human". No it proves that you got caught in a lie and is trying to play the, " I'm only human card". I'm not making these accusations because I'm some dedicated Obama supporter. I'm doing this because I want her to own up to the truth and stop trying to insult my intelligence by pretending to be confused about the events of that day.
Having bullets fired at you would have been a traumatic experience, especially those from the gun of a sniper. This is when I ask, "Ok, if you were mistaken about snipers firing at you on this day, on which day was this done, causing such an erroneous description of that day?" By not just saying she had lied, is in essence saying it has happened, just not on that day.
Sen. Clinton is slowly becoming caught in a trap of her own conception. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
Just a few more words from,
Sen. Clinton's decision to use this commercial may be the perfect example of shooting oneself in the foot.Because six years ago she denounced the use of scare tactics when done by republicans. And what experience does she have at answering these short of phone calls? Because if she is referring to her stay at the white house,as the first lady, if this had occurred all she would have done was pass Bill the phone.
As a form of ironic justice, the 7yr girl featured in this commercial is now 17. The footage of her sleeping was shot 10 years ago, recently being purchased by Getty Images. Well this sleeping beauty will be turning 18 in April, and is an avid campaigner for Sen. Obama. When interviewed by CNN was reported to have said not only does she plan on voting for Obama, she has offered her support in the making of a commercial that refutes Hillary's.
The latest web in this deceitful campaign is almost comical. It is referred to as the "Bosnian Sniper Fire Incident". This interpretation of the events that occurred while visiting Bosnia resembled a scene from an action/thriller movie. When spinning this yarn, what was she thinking? Maybe she thought cameras and other recording devices had not been invented yet. Or maybe she forgot an African/American man , who would probably be voting for Sen. Obama (the comedian Sinbad) was with her. What made this worse was the slap in the face excuse she gave for telling this lie, "It proves that I am just human". No it proves that you got caught in a lie and is trying to play the, " I'm only human card". I'm not making these accusations because I'm some dedicated Obama supporter. I'm doing this because I want her to own up to the truth and stop trying to insult my intelligence by pretending to be confused about the events of that day.
Having bullets fired at you would have been a traumatic experience, especially those from the gun of a sniper. This is when I ask, "Ok, if you were mistaken about snipers firing at you on this day, on which day was this done, causing such an erroneous description of that day?" By not just saying she had lied, is in essence saying it has happened, just not on that day.
Sen. Clinton is slowly becoming caught in a trap of her own conception. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
Just a few more words from,
Yes...My Name Is Hussein

When Sen.Barack Obama declared his participation as a presidential nominee, I knew there would be mudslinging. But attacking an individual for his name is an act of ignorance and desperation.
At the beginning of this race when,Sen.Barack Hussein Obama,was not taken seriously and loosing this race, I don't remember any mention of his middle name.Now that he is winning and seriously considered a threat, the intelligence and fears of this country are being preyed upon.
Some are mentioning this man's middle name, hoping its middle eastern origin will stir negative emotions, because of this country's past and currant affiliations with the Islamic regimes of the middle east. These practices are appalling!
A CNN reporter asked three highly esteemed political strategist,"if this man were white, with blond hair, and blue eyes, would his middle name be a concern?" They all agreed it would not. There is a U.S. senator making the statement that, "terrorist will be dancing in the streets if this man is elected!" I wonder if he thinks they would be doing as much dancing if this "Hussein" where white?
That statement made by this senator is a case of ignorance, that should not be tolerated! This behavior is one of the many reasons why the word politician has been affilliated with immorality, or just crooked behavior. This renders the good ones with the constant task of proving their morality or true agendas. Omnipotent statements like these are the shameful reminders of a Jim Crow era that if allowed will trigger a social self-implosion. Men like this senator are the poster-child for racial and social profiling. His "snowballing behavior" can not be viewed as, just some old man blowing off some steam. Or given shelter with the umbrella of, it's his first amendment right to express these ludicrous thoughts.
These statements are divisive and in the long run... scaring. These men and women are elected to lead with an affirmation of morality.The individuals using Sen. Obama's name as a political slur, kinda remind me of the schoolyard bully picking on the smaller kid because of their name. This kind of behavior is a reminder of this country's ugly past.
Just a few more words from,
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Scientology, Yes or No? Part 1 of 2

The Birth of Scientology
Lafayette Ron Hubbard was Born in Tilden Nebraska on March 13th 1911. He later moves to Kalispell,Montana where he claims to have made the acquaintance of a Blackfeet Native American medicine man (Old Tom)who takes him on as a protege and quickly honoring him with the status of blood brother. Later in life L.Ron Hubbard is destined to become a popular fiction writer, his thoroughly documented accounts with this Blackfeet medicine man seems to be the first of his fictional stories. This Native American medicine man has no contemporary records of existence.Yet according to Scientologist in 1985, members of the Blackfeet Nation, Montana, commemorated "the seventieth anniversary of [L. Ron Hubbard] becoming a blood brother of the Blackfeet Nation. It was said that a ceremony to re-establish L. Ron Hubbard as a blood brother to the Blackfeet Tribe was never done. A former vice-president of the executive council states," if a letter from this council is mentioned, confirming Mr. Hubbard's status as a Blackfeet blood brother, it should not be taken seriously because one does not exist!"
The Makings of The Legend
According (L.R.H) and his loyal followers,he is the ultimate man's man, humanitarian the perfect example for mankind. A true legend in this time and many before. When reading his resume one could only admit that this is a man of prowess, and amazing accomplishments. I went to the Scientology's official website retrieving this breathtaking list:
Fiction writer
Drug Rehabilitation
Criminal Reform
Adventurer/ Explorer
Sea Captain
Yachtsman & Navigator
After reading this I did further research believing that a man capable of so much had to of accomplished more. My feelings were confirmed, the Scientology's official web page was being modest. Here are a few more of his achievements:
Pathological Liar
Child abuser
Con artist
Semi Racist
Convicted Felon/spending the last days of his life fleeing persecution
Drug Abuser
Three sides to every story
They say there are three sides to every story. One person's side, another ones side, and the truth. When it comes to Mr. Hubbard there's still a lot of truth that needs to be told. In his lifetime he claimed skills which required a level of education he didn't posses. Hubbard enrolled at The George Washington University in September of 1930, where he began studying a major in civil engineering.The keyword here is,"began". After two semesters he was put on academic probation for poor grades and lack of funding.He claimed to being an atomic physicist. I always thought that in order to achieve this, one needed more than two semesters with poor grades. Maybe standards were lower in 1930. Hubbard the humanitarian was remembered by many of his followers as "Hubbard the horrific".He had frequent screaming tantrums and instituted brutal punishments such as incarceration in the ship's filthy chain-locker for days or weeks at a time and "over-boarding," in which supposedly errant crew members were blindfolded, bound and thrown overboard, dropping up to 40 ft. into the cold sea, hoping not to hit the side of the ship. Some of these punishments, such as imprisonment in the chain-locker, were applied to children as well as to adults. And for a man whose goal was a harmonious existence for mankind, in his youth was known to make statements and harbor beliefs such as:"As a China-man can not live up to a thing, he always drags it down." and "They smell of all the baths they didn't take. The trouble with China is, there are too many chinks here." Hubbard described the Tibetan Buddhist as people worshiping with voices like bull-frogs and beat a drum and playing a brass horn to accompany their singing " and called them "very odd and heathenish". He also wrote about colored people saying, "Unlike the yellow and brown people, the white does not usually believe he can get attention from matter or objects. The yellow and brown believe for the most part ... that rocks, trees, walls, etc., can give them attention". "So we see the African tribesman, with his complete contempt for the truth, and his emphasis on brutality and savagery..."After discovering this documentation, humanitarian was definitely not my first choice of words for him.
Later Hubbard meets two men, Jack Parsons and a known occultist, Aleister Crowley. These men with the help of Hubbard practiced black magic on a young girl with the hopes of birthing the anti-Christ. Hubbard later runs of with the young lady which happened to be Parsons' girlfriend, along with a substantial amount of Parsons' money. He later marries the young lady. In a later statement by Scientologist, they claim that he was on a secret mission for the U.S. Navy to halt the occult rituals being performed by Parsons. What they failed to mention was the navy has no record of this mission, and by marrying this woman made him a bigamist to his first wife of 13 years and two children.
You gotta admit, it's men like Hubbard that give the tabloid writers a reason to get out of bed. He kept there hopes alive.
Dianetics...was spawned as a groundbreaking self-help book. It was released in May 1950 to very harsh and mixed reviews. It was criticized for unscientific aspects, and veteran author, Jack Williamson, described Dianetics as "a lunatic revision of Fruedian psychology" that "had the look of a wonderfully rewarding scam."
"A lunatic revision of Fruedian psychology", I swear that gets me every time!
Dianetics introduced the concept of "auditing," a two person question and answer therapy that focuses on painful memories. Dianetics is supposedly a word deriving from the Greek (dia) meaning through.and (nous) meaning mind or thought. According to Hubbard, dianetic auditing could eliminate emotional problems, cure physical illnesses, and increase intelligence. In his introduction to Dianetics, Hubbard declares, "the creation of Dianetics is a milestone for mankind comparable to the discovering of fire, superior to his conception of the wheel and arch."
Scientology,Yes or No? part 2 of 2

It Is Alive! It is Alive!
The religious monster we have come to know as,"Scientology" is born। Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices described as a self-help system,using the concept of Dianetics। Hubbard later characterized Scientology as an "applied religious philosophy" and the basis for a new religion। Allegations for declaring it as a religion were said to be more financial than spiritual। Along with Hubbard's dreams for omnipotence. Scientology encompasses a spiritual rehabilitation philosophy and techniques, which covers topics such as morals, ethics, detoxification, education and management.
Hubbard achieved this by founding the first Church of Scientology in December of 1953.Today Scientology organizations form a complex network geared towards introducing Scientology into society. Religious Technology Center owns the trademarks and service marks of Scientology.These marks are licensed for use by the Church of Scientology International and its affiliated organizations. This religion sells its use to Scientology-affiliated corporations such as Narconon, Criminon and Applied Scholastics. These practices since their birth have remained highly controversial. Journalists, courts and the governing bodies of several countries have stated that the Church of Scientology is a cult and an unscrupulous commercial enterprise that harasses its critics and abuses the trust of its members. Scientology officials argue that most negative press has been motivated by interest groups and that most of the controversy is past historyMany of these disapproving feelings have been sparked by the appalling numbers of questionable deaths and suicides from it's members.An example of one of these deaths is the incident involving the late,"Lisa McPherson"
On November 18, 1995, Lisa was involved in a minor car accident. She was apparently not hurt, but she got out of her car and took all her clothes off and seemed mentally unstable. She was taken to a hospital where she was physically evaluated as being unharmed, but the hospital wanted her to be psychologically cared for. However, some Scientologists arrived and stated that Lisa did not believe in psychiatry, and she checked out after a short evaluation and left with the Scientologists. She went with them to Room 174 of the Ft. Harrison Hotel a Scientology owned facility for "rest and relaxation" according to the church, but church logs from Lisa's stay there from November 18 to her death December 5 show differently. Some logs are missing, and a high ranking ex-Scientologist has written an affidavit in which he claims that the church has in the past destroyed documents that might get the church in trouble.
The family of Lisa McPherson sued Scientology and individuals involved for wrongful death, while Scientology claimed it did nothing wrong toward Lisa While settlement talks were completed after being forced by the court, the case appears to still be active. Scientology had a web page that smeared Lisa's aunt and attorney. On November 13, 1998, Scientology was indicted on 2 felony charges in Lisa's death. On June 12, 2000 the criminal charges were dropped against Scientology because supposedly the medical examiner could not be counted on to confidently testify, even though the criminal charges were abuse of a disabled person and practicing medicine without a license. You can read much of the Clearwater police department's evidence and Scientology's logs of Lisa's stay, view some of the autopsy photos, and decide for yourself. Then ask why Scientology now makes members sign a waiver specifically against suing Scientology. .My major concerns with this incident are:
It was reported an ex-scientologist friend of Lisa's, before her death asked Lisa why did she take off her clothes after the wreck. Lisa replies, " I was hoping to be kept for psychiatric treatment."
After being released from the hospital she was said to have weighed 150lbs. At her autopsy she only weighed 108lbs. In 17 days she lost 42lbs. Maybe Kristie Alley showed up to assist her with her rest and relaxation.
When they did finally decided to provide her with professional treatment they didn't take her to the nearest hospital which was only a few blocks away. They loaded her cockroach bitten,cadaver resembling body into a church van and took her to the 5th closest hospital...5th! Scientology's claims of innocence,I don't buy them for a minute. And anyone that does only proves P.T. Barnum's theory,"There's a sucker born every minute.
"The Evil Prince Xenu
The head of the Galactic Federation the being formerly know as,"Prince Xenu" ruled 76 planets around larger stars visible from here.Founding this federation 95,000,000 years ago.He begins to have an overpopulation (250 billion or so per planet) So he placed billions in cryostasis loading them jet powered ships resembling DC-8's, transported them across the galaxy to Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H-Bomb on the principal volcanoes in order to destroy these captives upon arrival. Well the freed souls of these captives once released from their bodies, were dispersed amongst the human inhabitants of this planets. Causing the fears and instabilities scientologist seek to cure, bringing peace and world harmony.Maybe we can learn from this prince and load our deathrow inmates and undesirables onto space shuttles and ship them accross the galaxay before we kill them. Now why would someone have problems believing this? It makes perfect sense.I'm sorry but this just sounds like a bad episode of the X-files.
Mr Humanitarian
Another fact scientologist fail to mention is, in 1977, Scientology offices on both coasts of the United States were raided by FBI agents seeking evidence of Operation Snow White, a church-run espionage network. Hubbard's wife Mary Sue and a dozen other senior Scientology officials were convicted in 1979 of conspiracy against the United States federal government, while Hubbard himself was named by federal prosecutors as an "unindicted co-conspirator." At this time the IRS also had evidence that he had skimmed millions of dollars from church accounts and secreted the funds to destinations overseas. Facing intense media interest and many subpoenas, he secretly retired to a ranch in tiny Creston, California, north of San Luis Obispo. Now this is the part that truly gets me.In 1997 this man gets street dedicated to him in Hollywood, "L.Ron Hubbard way". Only in America can a man that lived the last days of his life running from prosecution, get a street named after him. Comemorated on live television with politicians, and some of the richest actors, and performers in the world.
In Closing
I could go on about these people, and this so called religion, but i won't because the deeper I dig into this Pandora's box the more infected I'll become. This religion and it's gestapo tactics are the mirror image enacted by Jim Jones. He started off with seemingly pure intentions later showing his true colors.So I ask the world,"is it going to take the death of 913 people before we decide to hold these people accountable for their behavior?"
Rest in peace Lisa McPherson, rest in peace.
Just a few disturbing words from,
The Amazing Mr. X

Malcolm X was born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1925, originally named Malcolm Little. His childhood was one of great pain from the loss of family members,by the murderous hands of racial ignorance. These acts scarred his youth and molded him into greatness.
In his early adulthood Malcolm Little was known as a petty crook with a reputation for extreme violence.This lifestyle led him to prison and the future he was remembered for . Unlike the Spike Lee version of his life, he was introduced to Islam by his brother Reginald who described his personal experiences and practice of this religion in letters sent to him while still incarcerated. After reading these letters he began to study this Faith, after doing so he too converted, also corresponding with Elijah Muhammad.
After his conversion, the sir name he became famous for "X", was adopted, believed to symbolize the lost identity of the people of African descent that was forcibly brought to the Americas. And that his former name was one of a slave's, which he no longer was. It also stated that not only was his body free from slavery,also was his mind.These beliefs were thought to be arrogant and offensive by many that could not accept this declaration of identity.
Malcolm X quickly became a powerful man,whose strength was only equaled by his intelligence and passion for the right to life. This status gained him respect and recognition across the globe.Which earned him the kind of power possessed by world leaders. And like some world leaders, at times used this power with an intimidating arrogance. Which earned him envy from some and caused the pain of others. Malcolm X was later known to have said:
"I realized racism isn't just a black and white problem. It's brought bloodbaths to about every nation on earth at one time or another. Brother, remember the time that white college girl came into the restaurant — the one who wanted to help the [Black] Muslims and the whites get together — and I told her there wasn't a ghost of a chance and she went away crying? Well, I've lived to regret that incident."
Then there was a statement made about the death of President Kennedy. He stated that his death was just a case of chickens coming home to roost. And chickens coming home to roost never made him sad, this only made him glad. Saying this caused a tidal wave of anger felt by non-Muslim Americans, also causing Elijah Muhammad to question his ability to control the powerhouse Malcolm had become.
In March 8,1964 he formally announced his break from the nation of Islam creating the "Muslim Mosque inc." he soon began a world tour which not only expanded his beliefs in Islam, it instilled an affirmation for the plight of mankind and not just those of African descent. He no longer desired civil rights,this was no longer enough, Malcolm fought for human rights.
Upon his return his social evolution was nearly complete and at a speech in 1965 was remembered saying:
"Nobody can give you freedom.Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything.If you are a man you just take it"
Because of his earlier separation from the nation of Islam and these new found beliefs, he acquired new friends, and even more enemies. Yet he stood by them until his assignation on February 21,1965.
El-Hajj Malik elShabazz, (Malcolm X),achieved notoriety as a separatist, but gained immortality as a humanitarian.
Just a few respectful and heartfelt words from,
A Look Into The Sickness Called ...Homophobia.

Homophobia is defined as...the fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals. Or hatred, hostility and disapproval of homosexual people, and their sexual behavior, or culture, and is generally used to insinuate bigotry.
On February 12th Lawrence King fell prey to the highest form of this worldwide disease. At the age of 15 his life was extinguished by the homophobic hands of a 14 year boy. This hate filled individual took a gun to E.O. Green junior high school, walks into to the computer lab where Lawrence was, and with the mindset of a serial killer, places the gun to his head and fires. This was not done by accident, retaliation to violence, protection, or fear for one's life. It was done out of hate and ignorance. An absolute violation of another human's right for expression and to exist. This act and others like it are the un-Godly spawn of a society's ignorance.
In North America alone, the U.S. Department of Justice has estimated out 1,472 sexually motivated hate crimes in 2006, 62% were anti-male homosexual related, and 13.7% were anti-female homosexual related. And what the bible thumping holy rollers in the U.S. congress; and their king, "president George W. Bush", fail to realize is, that their omnipotent expression of morality is just adding fuel to the flames of this social ignorance. These attempts to oppress their beliefs upon the homosexual community is a despicable violation of human rights, that will only have negative repercussions. When the leaders of a nation openly express their disapproval of another's choice of lifestyle, it's only going to make change that much more difficult. And horrific acts like the senseless shooting of Lawrence King occur more often.
Mason Davis, the executive director of the trans-gender law center was reported to have said,"Brandon McInerny ( the 14 yr old accused shooter) is just as much a victim as Lawrence." If found guilty he faces 52 yrs to life, because he will be tried as an adult. And until this trial, being held with a bail of $770,000 .
In my opinion the statement made by Mr. Davis, and others similar to it, are a ridiculously naive way of thinking. It is almost showing sympathy to the savage brutality of another. Yes...society needs an education on civil co-existence, stressing the tolerance for anothers right to happiness and self expression. As long as a person's behavior does not harm or hinder themselves, or another, it should be tolerated. Because this was a gift given to all, it is called, "free will"! When we continue to suppress these fundamental human rights, we will never acheive true enlightenment. We need to realize that there is only One true judge, and it is the same One that gave us the gift of life, and the only that can take it.
Rest in peace Larry, rest in peace.
~In memory of~
Lawrence King
Jan. 13th 1993 - Feb. 12th 2008
Just a few more words from,
On February 12th Lawrence King fell prey to the highest form of this worldwide disease. At the age of 15 his life was extinguished by the homophobic hands of a 14 year boy. This hate filled individual took a gun to E.O. Green junior high school, walks into to the computer lab where Lawrence was, and with the mindset of a serial killer, places the gun to his head and fires. This was not done by accident, retaliation to violence, protection, or fear for one's life. It was done out of hate and ignorance. An absolute violation of another human's right for expression and to exist. This act and others like it are the un-Godly spawn of a society's ignorance.
In North America alone, the U.S. Department of Justice has estimated out 1,472 sexually motivated hate crimes in 2006, 62% were anti-male homosexual related, and 13.7% were anti-female homosexual related. And what the bible thumping holy rollers in the U.S. congress; and their king, "president George W. Bush", fail to realize is, that their omnipotent expression of morality is just adding fuel to the flames of this social ignorance. These attempts to oppress their beliefs upon the homosexual community is a despicable violation of human rights, that will only have negative repercussions. When the leaders of a nation openly express their disapproval of another's choice of lifestyle, it's only going to make change that much more difficult. And horrific acts like the senseless shooting of Lawrence King occur more often.
Mason Davis, the executive director of the trans-gender law center was reported to have said,"Brandon McInerny ( the 14 yr old accused shooter) is just as much a victim as Lawrence." If found guilty he faces 52 yrs to life, because he will be tried as an adult. And until this trial, being held with a bail of $770,000 .
In my opinion the statement made by Mr. Davis, and others similar to it, are a ridiculously naive way of thinking. It is almost showing sympathy to the savage brutality of another. Yes...society needs an education on civil co-existence, stressing the tolerance for anothers right to happiness and self expression. As long as a person's behavior does not harm or hinder themselves, or another, it should be tolerated. Because this was a gift given to all, it is called, "free will"! When we continue to suppress these fundamental human rights, we will never acheive true enlightenment. We need to realize that there is only One true judge, and it is the same One that gave us the gift of life, and the only that can take it.
Rest in peace Larry, rest in peace.
~In memory of~
Lawrence King
Jan. 13th 1993 - Feb. 12th 2008
Just a few more words from,
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