The Creation

The past 8 years, a television phenomenon known as C.S.I has evolve an into entity of legendary status. Since their conception these shows have known nothing but success. Gaining a cult following known by only a few.These shows appeal to our captivation, and disgust, with societies ongoing violent behavior. Creating a scenario for the horrific murder of beautiful victims. Whose deaths will be solved by an equally attractive group of investigators. These shows have added to the network dominance owned by CBS. And the way these crimes are so speedily solved is more like science fiction than science fact. But what else should you expect from 40-45 minutes of air time. Because I doubt the truth would provide the same level of entertainment.
Fact vs. Fiction
Isn't it amazing how on these episodes, that once the crime scene has been quarantined, how the pieces to the crime are assembled like a simple jigsaw puzzle. The officers with rubbers gloves on h

Pros and Cons
Since their introduction these shows have cause a debate as to their effects on a jury's decision making. It is not 100% proven; but it is believed that because of the shows popularity, and their almost 100% reliance upon science to solve every crime, juries find themselves doubting their common sense. They are no longer relying on means, motive, and witness testimony. They are now expecting an officer in a white lab coat to come into the courtroom and provide them with irrevocable proof of a crime as seen on TV. Cases the courts would have easily won, have now been acquitted due to lack of evidence.Maybe this is bad because it is allowing the guilty to go unpunished. Or it might be good because it is forcing the prosecution to deeply evaluate their cases, by providing a more detailed proof of guilt.
There's a new sheriff in town
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The Effect
The numbers of loyal watchers is astounding. The CSI-Las Vegas 2005 season finally, "Grave Danger", was directed by the film maker Quentin Tarantino. This one episode had 35 million viewers. Now if that's not pulp fiction I don't know what is.After the first season of CSI-Las Vegas the number of forensic science majors has significantly increased. Making it one of the more popular majors on many campuses. West Virginia University in 1999 had 4 graduates. In 2000 enrolled 400 new forensic science majors making it the largest major on campus. So maybe this show's unrealistic approach to crime fighting may do a little good.One thing's for sure, CBS has proven that in it's own way, crime does pay.
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